27 - 29 Dec 2024 | Barcelona, Spain

Join Me for the Mindful Marathon
Silent Circle in Barcelona, Spain

A 12hr Journey - Walk, Jog, Write

Early Discount Ends in...

27 - 29 Dec 2024 | Barcelona, Spain
Live Event - Limited Spaces

Remember when you were young and the end of the year filled you with nervous excitement? Anything could happen the following year and everything was possible. As you get older, your world begins to get smaller and your social circles contract. There are many wonderful things about the comfort and routine of adult life; but sometimes, you get stuck and need to break the mold to set the stage for a new chapter.

What if, to end this year, you were to meet up with a group of strangers and walk or jog in a circle, in silence, for an entire day, for an entire marathon, in the middle of nowhere, and journal your thoughts as you go? What a crazy but amazing idea!

Welcome to the Mindful Marathon Silent Circle. This will be our fourth event, and I’d love to invite you to join us.

Here’s How it Works:

Friday, Dec 27th. Fly into Barcelona, Spain, and we’ll meet you at 3pm at Trafalgar Street, 56 (close to Arc de Triomf) in the city center. Together, a group of us will then take a one-hour shuttle bus to Monastery Sant Benet. This is a beautiful, restored sacred site, with a 4-star hotel where you’ll have a private room. That first night, we’ll enjoy a guided tour of the monastery, share a meal, get to know each other, and prepare ourselves for marathon day.

Saturday, Dec 28th. Breakfast is served from 5am, and since we will have taken a vow of silence the previous night, we’ll drink coffee and eat together, but without conversation. At 6am, the bell rings and we begin the first walk/jog loop of our Mindful Marathon. Half marathon attendees complete one loop, full marathoners complete two. The trail loops around the monastery and down a quiet path and back.

It’s still dark at 6am, so we’ll give you a flashlight and guide you every step of the way. At 6:45, we’ll meet in the Mindful Hall to write our first of 12 journal assignments. We’ll have a bite to eat, use the bathroom, and at 7am the bell will ring again for the next loop.

Every hour, on the hour, we’ll walk/jog, rest, and write, again and again until we’re done. Believe it or not, the time will fly by. Throughout the day you’ll experience moments of elation and joy. You’ll almost certainly have struggles and doubts, too. Some of the journal assignments will feel easy and fun, others challenging. This is all part of the process.

By 6pm, we’ll be done. We’ll break the silence, have dinner, share our experiences, and celebrate together. The next morning, we’ll gather for a group yoga class before breakfast, then head back to Barcelona by 12:30pm. It’s two days and two nights, but it will feel like we’ve spent a week together.

You’ll make new friends and expand your horizons for sure, but the biggest takeaway will be the insights you’ll gain about yourself and your life from your time alone.

Why This Event?

The Mindful Marathon is a full day of physical movement, journaling, connection, and introspection. Nothing offers perspective quite like the awe of nature and the clarity of mind that comes from long physical endeavors in the company of like-minded people, all of whom have come together for the same reason: growth. And there’s no better time to do it than as the year draws to a close and you get ready to start a new one.

What to Expect:

  • Mental and physical challenges 
  • Positive people and a supportive, non-competitive, accessible environment
  • A safe, supportive, and gentle approach to walking or jogging
  • Zero competition, zero focus on performance, zero judgement or expectation

Silence and No Phone Rules:

  • Silence from 27 December after dinner (10pm) until 28 December after we finish (around 7pm)
  • No phones, smartwatches, screens, or devices from 27 December after dinner (10pm) until 28 December after we finish (around 7pm)


  • If you can easily walk for 6 miles (10 km) on any given day, you can likely finish the half marathon distance
  • If you can easily walk for 13 miles (21 km) on any given day, you can likely finish the full marathon distance
  • No matter what your level of fitness, this will be a very challenging day
  • Not sure if you’re ready? This weekend, go for a monster walk and see how you feel during it and afterwards
  • Still not sure? Email us support@yogabody.com

Required Gear (must have to join):

  • Walking or jogging shoes that you’ve already broken in
  • Layered clothing
  • Hat for sun protection
  • Super lightweight raincoat, just in case
  • Water bottle
  • 2,500 calories worth of snacks
  • Mental and physical challenges 

Optional Gear:

  • Small blanket (for Mindful Hall journaling)
  • Vaseline / petroleum jelly
  • Sunscreen
  • A change of clothes (socks/underwear are key)

19 Spaces Left!

Included in Registration

  • 2 nights, private room, 4-star hotel on 27th and 28th of December
  • Breakfast: 28th and 29th
  • Dinner: 27th and 28th
  • Barcelona > Monastery bus transportation
  • Journal and pen
  • Yoga class and guided monastery visit

Not Included

  • Flights to Barcelona
  • Personal gear, phone, insurance
  • Food during non-group meals

Register for 1 Person
Private Room

Normal Price: $1295
Save $300
Early Registration Price: $995*

*Must reg before 21 Oct. 2024

Register for 2 People
Share a Room w/ Your Travel Partner

Normal Price: $2590
Save $1100
Early Registration Price: $1490*

*Must reg before 21 Oct. 2024

This event is a passion project, not a business venture. With that in mind, we’ve attempted to make the
price as affordable as possible to make it more accessible to a larger audience.

1, 5, 6, 7: Mindful Marathon, May 2024, Costa Brava, Spain ; 2 & 3: Mindful Marathon, September 2023, Barcelona, Spain ; 4: Mindful Marathon, March 2023, Georgia, USA.

Frequently Asked Questions

During long, physically demanding events like this, your monkey mind stops, and it forces you to be present. The hourly journal assignments will add structure to the experience, and you’ll end the day feeling exhausted but inspired.
If you are somewhat fit, you can almost certainly walk 13.1 miles over the course of 12 hours, and if you’re moderately fit, it’s highly likely you can jog 26.2
Stop or skip a loop at any time. This is an experience, not a race.
You will get an opportunity to snack, use the bathroom, rest, and journal after each loop you run/walk.
While there will be some fruit and nuts available, please also bring your preferred personal snacks - enough to last the day. You’ll want to prepare light snacks, energy bars or gels, fruit, and nuts. Some people also like baked goods, sandwiches, and cheese. Expect to burn about 2,500 calories.
About 200-300ml per hour.
Yes, we recommend you layer up and prepare an outfit to change into at the halfway point.
We anticipate 70% half and 30% full based on previous event numbers.
No, it’s an extremely well-maintained trail in a quiet area. You will not be in danger and the YOGABODY team will be on hand.
There are 300+ days of sun per year in this region, so there is a good chance we’ll have clear skies – but no guarantees of course. It’s winter, so it’s likely to be chilly, especially first thing in the morning, Warmer top layers to change out of are required. If you’re prone to feeling cold, a stocking cap weighs very little and is a very efficient way to warm up.
No, this is a flat route.
Our events include people in their twenties all the way up to mid-seventies. In terms of fitness, most people are active but not athletes, healthy but not fanatics. We also have plenty of people just starting their health journey, carrying extra weight, and struggling with injuries. We train to live rather than live to train.
You’ll receive a copy of the Mindful Marathon Journal on the day with carefully planned out writing tasks to complete at the end of each loop. Find out more about the Journal here.
The bus will collect all participants from Trafalgar Street, 56 (close to Arc de Triomf) at 3pm on the 27th and return everyone to the same location after the event by 12:30pm on the 29th.
We will be staying at the Hotel Món Sant Benet in Bages on the 27th and 28th. The Mindful Marathon will be held in the grounds of the hotel and surrounding area.

Participant Testimonials


"Still on a high"

Still on a high from this adventure. It was exactly what I needed. Such an impactful and amazing event I will never forget. It was wonderful to challenge myself and do something hard in such a beautiful place.

– Irene (MM, May 24)


"A humbling privilege I will never forget"

To run 30 miles in one day was a new edge for me. I’m immensely grateful to reconnect with such a passion and love of mine and believe I can do it again and more! And to witness others, from the fastest to the slowest, all equal, pushing through our own limits. A humbling privilege I will never forget. 

– Daniel (MM, September 23)


"I didn’t know I had this much power in me"

How beautiful, powerful, and inspiring it was to have done this with a group of strangers with whom I’ll forever share this connection. I didn’t know I had this much power in me, but this trip has certainly lit a fire under me!

– Arna (MM, May 24)


"It provided lessons and deep connections"

This gave me the gift of presence. It provided me with lessons, laughter, and deep connections. These are the important moments in life. I’m forever grateful.

– Renee (MM, May 24)


"Far exceeded my expectations"

Often my path is mostly flat. From there I can only see one horizon. This weekend I turned to the hills and discovered a new horizon at every peak. Unexpected strength, endurance, connection, healing, and possibility. A much-needed experience that far exceeded my expectations.

– Kevin (MM, May 24)


"A lot of value for money"

The Mindful Marathon in Costa Brava was an amazing experience, so well organized, an amazing group of people both from participants and YOGABODY team and lot of value for money. Lucas and the team are stellar!

– Joakim (Mindful Marathon, May 24)

Early Discount Ends in...

27 - 29 December 2024 | Barcelona, Spain
Live Event - Limited Spaces