How to Set Up a Facebook Business Page: a Guide for Yoga Teachers

Your yoga clients use Facebook daily, so you should be too.

by Kaleena Stroud

Facebook is here to stay, and it’s where your students are hanging out, researching local businesses, and discovering new things to do… like yoga with you, for example. I’m sure you already have a personal page, but that’s not enough. A real business needs a real business page so you can unlock all the features that Facebook has to offer.

Here’s why you need a Business Page (not just a personal profile):

  • Google search favors Business Pages (meaning more search traffic led to you)
  • Directions, timetable, reviews & more are all verified
  • 8 of 10 people trust a Google Business Page to be more current than a local website
  • You can add content, share resources, and build community
  • Facebook will show you valuable stats about your fans
  • You can advertise

If you’re not using a Business Page, you’re missing out on the best marketing channel in our industry. Let me help you get set up.

Create your profile.

1. Go to and click “Create a page” in the top right-hand corner.

  • Business or brand: Choose this if you have a local yoga studio.
  • Community or public figure: Choose this if you are teaching privates around town and /or freelancing.

2. Choose your page name and category.

Fill out your profile.

  1. Add the best quality photo for your cover photo and a square photo to use as your profile picture.
  2. Complete your business details. This includes info for your Facebook Home, Services, and ‘See More’. Click on ‘See More’ and click on ‘About’. Here’s what our YB About page looks like:

We have a YTC logo for our profile photo, a clear address linked to Google Maps, and more business info. You don’t need to get as detailed as we do, but it’s a great place to use keywords about what type of yoga your studio offers.

  • Play with the settings. Go to the top right corner of the page to see your options.
    • If you do nothing else, we recommend a Call-to-Action Button. Facebook allows you to set up a button on your page for people to take action. Use this to send them to your website, sign up for your newsletter, or sign up for a Discovery class.
  • Invite your friends and start sharing.

    You may have a personal page you’ve used to promote your classes, but splitting between the two pages (or posting twice) is a thing of the past. Now’s the time to focus on building an audience on your Facebook business page.

    I use Facebook to post special offers, promos, blog content, student success stories, yoga products, studio photos, and more. Before you post to your Facebook page, review this brief checklist for maximum impact.

    • Are you using enough text so there is a “see more” link?
    • Posting a video — Can you post native (instead of a link to YouTube)?
    • Is there a cool way to encourage people to share the post?
    • Should you post now, or should you schedule the post for a better time/day when you know your fans are online?
    • Can you include some emoji symbols to make your text easier and more fun to read (particularly on mobile)?
    • Does your post have a clear and interesting headline separate from the rest of the text?
    • Are you “posting native” or are you using a 3rd part app (like Hootsuite). Post native!
    • Are other people or other pages involved in your post? If so, try to @tag them to get more people involved.

    To learn more about marketing for yoga businesses, check out our Yoga Business Mastery